EmTech Community Lists Top Technologies

For the past several years, the technology industry has been grappling with the implications of digital transformation. “Every company is a tech company” means that there is a wider audience for technology solutions, especially among those firms that have lagged in their technology adoption. However, the nature of those solutions is also changing. Compared to earlier days of on-prem installations and relatively simple stacks, today’s enterprise technology is an amalgamation of many components, some of which are well-established and some that are cutting-edge. To meet new objectives and compete in new markets, companies are eagerly exploring emerging technologies that can accelerate their IT strategy.

CompTIA’s Emerging Tech community wants to enable those businesses that are helping clients navigate the complex emerging tech environment. Since the launch of the community in 2017, one of its main initiatives has been the creation of a framework that would provide guidance for new trends. The first edition of the community’s Top 10 Emerging Technologies was released in 2018, and now the group is releasing a second edition that came out of a rigorous process. Rather than simply stating which technologies had the most hype, the community wanted to zero in on those technologies that would have the most impact for the business of technology.

The foundation for both lists was original research conducted by CompTIA. Using an online survey that crossed multiple industries and included companies of all sizes, CompTIA’s research team determined which emerging technologies had the highest adoption rates. This information was provided to a subgroup of the EmTech community composed of experts in managed services and the delivery of technology. This group further analyzed each technology from a tech enablement perspective: Beyond adoption, which technologies had the most significant revenue opportunity or the best chance to revolutionize business practices? Using this approach, a preliminary top 10 list was established.
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