a+ certification Question and answers

You will be presented with three primary question types:

Multiple choice single answer (MCSA) This question type contains the question and four possible responses. With only one being correct. You can identify it by the responses having round (radio) buttons.

Multiple choice multiple answer (MCMA) This question has the question and more than four possible responses. With more than one being correct. Here you need to select all correct choices. These questions are identified by Square checkboxes for each response.

Interactive questions – some of which are the dreaded Performance Based Questions – PBQ, cover several types of interaction. These are usually graphic based. You may need to drag a label to an object on the screen, arrange a list of labels in order.
Determining the correct answer

CompTIA questions are not always the “one and only correct answer in the universe”. Because the questions are more subtle than that, they mostly require the “Best Answer” to be picked. The “Best Answer” is arrived to in part by looking at the context of the question and in part by deduction. The context of the question can include the scenario presented in the question text or the available distractors or both. In any case, what you believe is a wrong answer can still be a “best answer” given the alternatives. In an MCSA question each response you can disregard increases your chances of being correct by 25%! It is completely reasonable to arrive at the correct response by deductive reasoning.

More Info: a+ certification jobs with no experience


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