Is CompTIA A+ Certification Worth It?

What does value mean to you? For most, value means that you get more out than what you put in. Getting a good deal on a house or buying a car at below market price is often equated with value. Sometimes value is measured by return on investment, or ROI. Other times value takes on a more elusive quality. For example, an unpaid internship doesn’t reward you with money, but instead experience – which in itself is often invaluable.
What about the CompTIA A+ certification? Is it valuable? Is CompTIA A+ worth the time and money you put in to studying and taking the exam? Keep reading to find out.
Is the CompTIA A+ Certification Worth It?

When it comes to what you put in versus what you get out, the CompTIA A+ certification is most definitely worth it – just ask the people who hold the almost 1.2 million CompTIA A+ certifications issued to date.

Those looking to start an IT career likely have aspirations to move up the ladder and eventually specialize in something they are passionate about. But everybody has to start somewhere. And the first step to launching that career is landing an entry-level position. That’s where CompTIA A+ becomes valuable.

More Info: comptia a+ jobs near me


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