Is CompTIA A+ Certification Worth It?
What does value mean to you? For most, value means that you get more out than what you put in. Getting a good deal on a house or buying a car at below market price is often equated with value. Sometimes value is measured by return on investment, or ROI. Other times value takes on a more elusive quality. For example, an unpaid internship doesn’t reward you with money, but instead experience – which in itself is often invaluable. What about the CompTIA A+ certification? Is it valuable? Is CompTIA A+ worth the time and money you put in to studying and taking the exam? Keep reading to find out. Is the CompTIA A+ Certification Worth It? When it comes to what you put in versus what you get out, the CompTIA A+ certification is most definitely worth it – just ask the people who hold the almost 1.2 million CompTIA A+ certifications issued to date. Those looking to start an IT career likely have aspirations to move up the ladder and eventually specialize in something they are passionate about. B...