Changes in Tech Require Changes in Training
There’s no doubt that AI puts certain jobs at risk, but the World Economic Forum (WEF) estimates in its “The Future of Jobs Report 2018” that while 75 million jobs may be displaced, 133 million jobs may emerge as humans and machines work together in the future. Panelists discussed how as jobs are redefined and new occupations are created, it’s critical for current workers to re-skill and diversify their talent to seize new opportunities in the workplace. Additionally, schools must ensure their courses align with what the future of the industry – and the world – will look like so they can prepare students to thrive in a 21st Century workforce. For Government, Coordination is Key It can be hard to keep up with rapid changes in AI technology, which is why panelists discussed the critical need for coordination between government agencies. As policymakers explore ways to promote technologies such as autonomous vehicles, it’s paramount to be mindful of safety implications and resist over-...